Owning mobile phones is no longer a new thing. New product launches by major brands can bring many surprises to the field of smart phones. It stimulates people’s desire to buy. Let’s take a look at the performance of this new machine.

HONOR 20 Pro is the flagship model of the 2019 HONOR series. The configuration is Kirin 980 processor + 8G of memory. The biggest bright spot is the AI four cameras. Only after it has been experienced can you experience its strength.

On the packaging, it continues the light colour box packaging of HONOR Note10. It has blue and purple gradient fonts. There are some changes in the layout. In the middle is the large HONOR 20 Pro mobile phone model. The brand-new HONOR logo is placed at the lower part. It does not look abrupt. At first glance, it gives people a strong visual impact with simplicity and fashion.

The interior is arranged. It has a total of three layers. The upper layer is the mobile phone body. The middle is the instruction manual accessory box. The lower layer is the power supply and data cable.

List of unpacking. It includes HONOR 20 Pro mobile phone * 1, power adapter * 1, Type-C power cord * 1, Type-C to 3.5 mm earphone cord * 1, card pickup pin * 1, instruction manual * 1, quality assurance card * 1. Before leaving the factory, the mobile phone has been pasted with protective film. This is considerate.

From the earphone adapter sent by the accessory, 20 Pro cancelled the familiar 3.5 mm earphone connector.

If the HONOR 20 Pro is the best-looking one in the HONOR series, no one will object. This blue-water jadeite colour matching looks attractive. Under the jadeite glass, there is a lake-like blue light and shadow. Under the irradiation of natural light, you can see the dreamland-like texture. The effect is brilliant but not conspicuous.

The body size is 154mm*74mm*8. 4mm. It is slim for a 6.26-inch mobile phone. The weight of 182 grams is well controlled. You won’t feel tired if you make phone calls for a long time. It has 4000mAh of large batteries.

The back is made of 3D curved glass. It is designed to fit the contour of the palm. The metal middle frame adopts the shape of large arc surface, and the surface adopts the metal sandblasting process of the same colour as the rear shell. The junction looks like a perfect fit. The transition is perfect. The actual hand feeling is excellent.

This set of four-shot lenses on the back is ultra-wide angle, main shot, telephoto and macro from top to bottom. The laser transmitter/receiver hides below. It has OIS anti-shake.

In the state of resting screen, the front is deep and high-end. There is no camera in the middle. The integrity looks good. The 2.5 D screen glass and the large curved metal middle frame make a natural transition. There is no obvious feeling of frustration to the touch. The quality control is good.

After lighting the screen, you can see HONOR 20 Pro moving the front camera to the upper left corner. It hides under the screen. It is the so-called charm eye full screen. It has a wider field of view without the camera in the middle.

HONOR 20 Pro uses IPS screen, 16.7 million colours, resolution 2340 × 1080, reaching FHD + level. The colour saturation looks good.

The top of the screen integrates with a hidden earpiece and a hidden breathing light. COF packaging process increases the screen proportion.

On the side of the fuselage are volume keys and power switch keys. The power keys integrate with fingerprint sensors. The identification efficiency is faster than that of off-screen fingerprint identification.

HONOR 20 Pro’s blue-water jadeite colour matching is durable. The workmanship and quality control are excellent. The grip is excellent. The charm eye screen is a good screen solution. This improves the aesthetic feeling of the whole machine and the visual openness.

In terms of configuration, the whole system comes standard with Kirin 980 processor + 8G of large memory. Kirin 980 processor is an alternative 7nm process. Built-in 4*A76+4*A55 eight-core design, with a dominant frequency of up to 2.8 GHz and stronger performance. It has lower power consumption and Magic UI 2.1 system and 8G of large memory. It is out of the question to deal with mainstream games.

Friends who like taking photos and enjoy playing games must experience this mobile phone!