One of the main concerns people have after bariatric surgery, such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, is having to learn a new way of eating. Once we have gastric sleeve surgery, we must change our eating habits and limit calories, while also ensuring we receive the nutrients we need to stay strong. Following the guidelines of the gastric sleeve surgery diet is crucial for the surgery to be a complete success.

Stages of the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Diet

After surgery, you will be required to follow the gastric sleeve surgery diet, which is designed specially to make the transition easier for patients. A gastric bypass diet has four stages planned to assist you in the process of getting used to eating solid foods again.

Your doctor will direct you so you can understand which foods are allowed after surgery. Below are the benefits of the diet and as well as the four stages and what you can expect to eat after surgery.

Benefits of the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Diet

  • Allows your stomach time toproperly heal
  • Helps you adjust to eating smaller amounts of food for safe digestion
  • Assists in losing and maintaining weight
  • Helps to avoid side effects and complications from the surgery

Diet recommendations after gastric sleeve surgery vary for each individual situation, and your doctor’s orders should be followed.

Four Stages of the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Diet

  1. Liquids – The day of and after surgery, you will drink only clear liquids. If things go well, small amounts of liquids such as broth and other un-caffeinated and unsweetened liquids such as coffee, tea, gelatin, and juices can be added. On the second day, more nutritious liquids can be added including pudding, protein shakes, yogurt, and soups like cream of chicken.
  2. Pureed Foods – Stage two of the gastric sleeve surgery dietconsists of pureed foods that are blended for easy digestion. Avoid foods that are spicy, fried, or have seeds. Good choices include seedless fruits and vegetables, applesauce, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, and more.
  3. Soft Foods– Stage three consists of soft foods, which are eaten in small bites that are chewed well. These include cooked vegetables, canned fruit, soft-boiled eggs, and ground meats.
  4. Solid Foods – Stage four, about five weeks after surgery, reintroduces solid food. Although you can now eat a variety of foods, they still need to be cut into small pieces for easing digesting and to avoid pain, nausea, and vomiting.

If you’d like more information about gastric sleeve surgery, contact our team today to learn about Houston, TX weight loss surgery and how it can benefit you.