Did you know that by 2025, the legal marijuana industry is set to be worth 23 billion dollars?

Since legalizing weed, sales year on year have been increasing across the country. There’s no denying it: Americans love to smoke marijuana!

If you’re thinking of trying it, you’re joining many millions who already do. But, before giving it a go, it’s vital you prepare yourself and know what to expect.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about smoking weed for the first time.

There Are Different Options

If you’re thinking of smoking weed, first time users should know all of the options out there. Blunts and joints are the most obvious choices, but you don’t even have to smoke marijuana at all! You can use bongs, vapes, and edibles, too.

If you do opt for a joint or a blunt, don’t roll it yourself. Ask someone who’s done it before to do it for you and teach you how so that you don’t do it incorrectly.

Only Smoke a Little

You might have heard loads of first time smoking weed stories about people smoking a whole joint and having the best time of their lives. This definitely isn’t an option we’d advise. As it’s your first time, take it slowly and be cautious – and definitely don’t smoke a whole joint!

If you do too much, you’re much more likely to see nasty side effects. Do a little bit and you should feel the pleasant effects without any bad experiences.

Stay Hydrated Before and During

If it’s your first time smoking weed, you may experience cottonmouth. This is when your mouth feels incredibly dry, and it’s a super common side effect. It’s only temporary, though, so don’t panic!

To minimize your chance of experiencing cottonmouth, make sure you’re hydrated before you start smoking. Keep a bottle of water by your side, too, for top-ups during your experience.

Use a Reliable Source

You can purchase legal marijuana from many places now. Do your research before you start to find a reputable distributor who offers high-quality strains at competitive prices.

Trulieve, for example, is well-known across America for its cannabis. Learn more about them at www.tempesun.com.

Don’t Be Scared if You’re Sick

If you’re smoking hemp for the first time, you might experience a white-out. This is when you become lightheaded and nauseous and, though uncomfortable, it isn’t dangerous. Simply stop smoking, get yourself into a comfortable place so that you won’t fall over and injure yourself, and hydrate. 

This is the main reason why it’s good to smoke with someone else. We’d never recommend smoking alone for the first time in case you are sick or faint. It’s also why you shouldn’t smoke too much your first few times, as this makes a white-out far more likely.

Enjoy Smoking Weed for the First Time

If you’re smoking weed for the first time and follow these tips, you should have a pleasant experience! Just make sure you take it easy, have a friend with you, and stay hydrated.

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