There is always a risk of injury present at your office or workplace irrespective of the fact of how conscious you are. The injuries can be mild or even so serious that it can cause death or hospitalization. The other major impacts of this kind of accidents are-

  • Medical insurance issues
  • Lower efficiency
  • A rise in workers’ compensation claims
  • Hampering company morale

You can, however, sue people responsible regarding any kind of accident caused to you or your colleague due to negligence. A Toledo personal injury lawyer is probably the best person who will help you deal with such problems. This article is a small presentation of some of the major causes of injury in the workplace. 

Cause of workplace injury

Check out the following reasons and be extra careful at work to avoid any kind of bad injuries. 

  1. Mental and physical fatigue

Injury is not always physical and this is the best example we can give you for that. If you push yourself beyond a certain limit, to an extent that may seem to be a challenge. Beyond that level, it will only cause you mental and physical damage. 

You will suffer from extreme stress, anxiety, and inattentiveness. You will lose work efficiency and also not be able to handle machines well. As a result, there is always a probability of injury due to machines at the workplace. Now you know how mental fatigue can cause serious physical injuries that can even cause death. 

  1. Trips and slips

There are several areas in the office where there is a chance you can slip and fall. For example, kitchens, pantries and washroom areas are the most common zones where you must be extra careful. The most common problem is that there will be spillage of water or any other liquid. When no one is there to mop or wipe the floor clean, there is always a chance that you will slip and trip on the surface. 

Also, wooden and tiled floors become extremely slippery after mopping. Wait for the floor to dry before you walk over to prevent such problems. Another hazardous object in the office is untapped carpets. You may stumble upon one corner and get a stubbed-toe or even fall. 

  1. Falling objects

There must be proper anchoring of all loose objects such as tall furniture, showcases, bookshelves and more. The reason for proper anchoring is that if there is any kind of disaster such as an earthquake, the contents of these shelves will fall and perish people. Now, this is also a result of negligence. Even if heavy boxes and files are placed on the edge of shelves, they can fall on you randomly and cause serious injuries. 

  1. Collisions with objects or people

When a lot of people work together, there is always a chance of arguments and fights. Now, that can also cause verbal or physical fights leading to accidents. There can be collisions with objects too. For example, if a drawer is left open, there is every chance that you may get hurt while walking carelessly. 

So, it is your responsibility to be careful and aware of any kind of hazard at your workplace. Also, ring an alarm as and when you see a probable cause of injury immediately.