Motorcycle accidents are very severe and have consistently ranked as a leading cause for death and injuries in the country. In 2017, 89,000 Americans were severely injured in motorcycle accidents.

With the increase in the number of motorcycles in the last three years, there is no doubt that such accidents have increased. As a motorcycle owner, you need to have a basic understanding of the common motorcycle accident injuries so that you can avoid them. Here is a list of the 8 most common motorcycle accident injuries, and the long-term impact they can have on you.

  1. Road Rash

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you already know that road rash is common. There is no way you can slide on the road and escape such injuries. In a motorcycle accident, you’re going to get road rash because there is no protection.

These types of injuries are largely influenced by the type of road you’re riding on. A concrete road is likely to cause severe road rash.

To avoid serious road rash accidents, you need to have the right riding gear.

  1. Broken Bones

Broken bones are a common injury in any type of accident, and motorcycle accidents are no exception.

Generally, a hard impact will result in broken bones. Some of the commonly broken bones in such accidents include legs and arms, the collarbone, and ribs.

  1. Head Injuries

Head injury stands as one of the severest injuries that riders are likely to experience. It might have a long-lasting health effect, especially when there is a traumatic brain injury. Some of the common side effects include sleep apnea, difficulty thinking, and seizures.

There is a myriad of healthcare problems that an individual might experience after a severe head injury. The severity of these issues depends on whether the brain was damaged or not. That is why riders need to use headgear such as helmets.

  1. Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury is extreme and can lead to permanent disability. Most of the individuals who have been disabled after motorcycle accidents have spinal problems.

Spinal cord injuries in motorbikes often happen in over-speeding accidents. As a rider, you need to check the speed limit to avoid such severe injuries.

  1. Muscle Damages

Muscles are the primary reasons why various parts of the body move. As such, they are very active when you’re riding your motorcycle. In case of an accident, muscles will be damaged.

During a motorcycle crash, there is a high percentage that most of the muscles will experience trauma. Road rash accidents can also scrape away some muscles. Hard impacts are also very likely to rupture some muscle tissues.

  1. Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are highly related to head injuries in a motorcycle crash. The fact that most of the riders use a helmet or other headgear prevents severe neck injuries.

However, if you do not have headgear, neck injuries are likely to be severe. A severe neck injury will constitute broken collar bone or permanent paralysis. In extreme cases, neck injuries have led to death.

  1. Foot and Leg Fractures

Feet and leg riders constitute a common accident in motorcycle injuries. The legs are usually exposed, which means that they will always be touched even in the slightest accidents. They are also common because bikes tend to fall on top of the biker.

Leg and foot fractures are non-fatal motorcycle accidents. Some of the common leg injuries include torn knee ligaments, twisted ankles, and broken foot bones.

Sometimes riders may suffer severe leg injuries. A leg might require amputation, which leads to permanent disability.

  1. Arm Injuries

Many motorcycle accidents involve launching the bike in the air. This forces most bikers to brace for a fall by putting their arms in front of the bike. Hard landing results in some severe arm injuries.

Common arm injuries include fractured fingers, broken elbows, torn rotator cuffs, and broken arms. In some extreme crashes, permanent nerve damage may occur. Severe impacts may also lead to injuries on the upper body.

Long-Term Impacts of Motorcycle Accidents

After a motorcycle accident, there is a high chance that you’ll never be the same. The injuries might be too severe for you to recover. If you were doing a physical job, you will not be able to work again.

Motorcycle accidents do not only expose you to physical disability. You might experience brain damage. As such, your mental abilities such as thinking, language, sensation, and emotions can be altered.

With both physical and mental health problems, your life will take a turn for the worst. You will now depend on other people to take care of your life. However, you can always look for assistance if you did not cause the accident.

Potential Damages

You can be a victim of an accident caused by another rider. In such cases, you need a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you take the issue to court for compensation. Your attorney can prove negligence as the cause for the accident where you will access multiple damages such as:

  • Home renovations for a disability
  • Lost wages
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering

The amount you receive for lost wages and medical expenses is already known because it can easily be quantified. However, the court will determine the amount paid for pain and suffering, disability, and mental anguish.

Ask For A Motorcycle Accident Injuries Attorney

If another rider has injured you, you need a motorcycle accident lawyer. Motorcycle accident injuries are severe, and as such, your attorney should accompany you when seeking medication. This will give them a clear assessment of the cause of the accident and the injuries suffered.

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