If you’re in the supermarket industry, there are important things that you need to know now only about how the layout of your stores is, but at marketing itself. Believe it or not, there is just as much marketing involved in running a supermarket as there is with digital online marketing, only in a different real life platform. Therefore, there are some marketing strategies that every single supermarket owner should incorporate to get more customers, because your customers is how you make your business thrive, and every business owner knows that they’re not anything without their customers.

Use the Seasons to Your Advantage

The holidays are a great time of the year for everyone who’s shopping, and because numerous holidays bring waves of people for different reasons, you can use seasonal items and only order them at certain times to bring in more customers. You’re not going to see very many people ordering pumpkin spice for the fourth of July, so make sure your sales are appropriate during the most popular holidays, and during those holidays. Usually, it’s a good general practice to help focus on the country and county’s national holidays in order to get the most reputation, as well as display items that are respective to their sports season during those holidays, for example.

Multi-Purpose Products

Most supermarkets don’t just generate sales from new customers, but a majority of it from their regular and existing ones. Therefore, it’s important that you offer products that can have more than one use in your store. For example, while of course you’re going to display some carrots or cucumbers as a side, or salad item, go ahead and through some ranch dip cups in there, or salad dressing to market them as a great snack as well.

Promotional Sales

Of course, as with the above-mentioned sales for holidays, you want to have prices that are promotional, such as “Manager’s Special” for example on specific supermarket displays. You can use this on items that you are wanting to get rid of in bulk, like for bacon, or meat products every so often. Make sure that these items are for limited times only (even if it’s only once every few months on rotation), you’ll still be able to entice customers to buy more products in bulk rather than just one or two items.

Brand Marketing

Brands are your best friends. If your company has a store brand, those often may not generate as much revenue, even though they provide a cheaper product for the customers. So remember that even though it may cost more on the wholesale level, you can turn around more profit to customers by getting in-demand brands that people want.

Free Samples

How many times have you walked around a store and saw a store handing out free samples of their product? They do this because 

  1. People love FREE (yes, we capitalized that on purpose).
  2. It allows them to try products they wouldn’t have thought to buy.

Using free samples on products that you’re trying to increase sales on, or on new items can get them quickly becoming liked by customers so they’ll keep coming back.


These aren’t the only marketing solutions that you can use the in the modern age. For example, offering digital coupons on your website and mobile phones, having a store app, and so much more can greatly boost your sales as well. However, if you use these basics that we provided above, there’s no reason why you can’t start to make people come in and love your store. And the old customers will talk.