The average salary for a salesperson is $55,381 – do you think your team is worth that amount?

Whether your sales team is underperforming or you simply want to out-do your previous records this year, sales intelligence is the way to do it. You can increase efficiency, sales, and profits by using sales intelligence.

But, what exactly is sales intelligence, and why is it going to help your team excel? We’re here with the answers and solutions for you.

Read on for the what, why, and how.

The “What”

Sales intelligence simply means collecting and analyzing data about your leads and current customers. You need sales intelligence software to do this, often known as a CRM (customer relationship management) tool.

There are several popular CRM packages out there for sales teams to use, and while they all collect similar data, some provide more in-depth insight than others.

The “Why”

The “why” of getting a sales intelligence product is simple; it helps increase your sales. These tools allow you to better understand your customers, their needs, and their intent.

By tracking all interactions with customers, your team will start to associate patterns and understand the buyer’s journey as well as the selling journey.

Additionally, it aids each salesperson; they can quickly tap into an account and view every interaction the customer has already had with your business. With an idea of the customer’s current mindset and their issues, any salesperson will be ready to tackle the problems head-on.

The best thing about using a CRM is that it’s unique to your business; there is no other data in the world that provides more valuable insights than that collected based on your own interactions.

The “How”

Your first step is to choose a suitable sales intelligence platform for your business and industry; see this link for more information about this.

Then, you need to train your staff and instill the importance of being invested in using the CRM.

Every salesperson is required to log every encounter with a customer. Whether this is a phone call, in-person visit, or closed deal, it needs to be input into the system.

Encourage them to write detailed notes about what was discussed and any outcomes. This also makes it easier for new hires to land on their feet and take over the account if necessary.

Finally, at a managerial level, you can access output reports that analyze company-wide data about your sales.

Implement a Sales Intelligence Solution Today 

Now you know more about sales intelligence solutions, can you envision how implementing sales intelligence will improve your business this year?

Getting everyone on the same page, trained, and dedicated to using a new platform takes effort, but the payoff is worth it. So, it’s time to start planning how sales intelligence tools will feature in your business model this year.

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