Bite problems are very common and quite often they go overlooked. These conditions do not develop overnight, so people grow accustomed to how their mouth is. But bite problems can cause several difficulties and the solution might be easy to diagnose and correct. First, you need to find out if you have an issue with the way your teeth fit together.


Protrusions are where teeth extend outward. This issue can be misidentified when in fact it is a jaw that is either too small or too large causing the appearance of a protrusion. In a true protrusion, the teeth are at risk of being broken. They could also cause irritations on the interior of the mouth from rubbing against the teeth. This condition as well as all the following conditions can be expertly diagnosed and treated at Chatswood orthodontics or a trusted specialist near you.

  • Crossbite: A crossbite is a condition of variations of the angle of the chewing or occlusal surface of the teeth. Some teeth might be angled more towards the cheek while others angle closer towards the tongue. The condition can cause improper chewing action and contribute to stress on the jaw.
  • Open Bite: Open bite is a condition where the front or back teeth remain apart when the other teeth come together. For example, if the front teeth are closed, but the back teeth do not make contact. Or when a gap is noticeable between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed. This condition can cause speech impediments such as lisping.
  • Underbite: An underbite is the situation where the lower jaw extends beyond the maxilla in such a way that the lower teeth extend past the upper teeth. Normally, the front teeth should slightly overlap the lower front teeth.
  • Deep Bite: A deep bite is when the lower teeth are overlapped by the uppers in such a way that the upper teeth contact the gingival tissue. This makes it possible for the teeth to bite into the lower gums, or the lowers might bite the roof of the mouth.
  • Crowding: Crowding is caused by insufficient room for the teeth, whether from large teeth or from the jaw being too small. This causes the teeth to be out of place, crooked, overlapping, or rotated.
  • Spacing: Spacing is the opposite problem of crowding. This occurs when the teeth are too small, or the jaw is too large. With extra space between the teeth, food will frequently get stuck between the teeth. Creating conditions favourable to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

Beautiful young woman with teeth braces Free Photo

The solution to most bite problems is the application of traditional braces, or the newer polyurethane aligners, such as Invisalign. There are several methods of expanding, realigning, and even turning individual teeth. You will be amazed at how different you can look in a relatively short time. Every mouth is unique and must be evaluated individually, but correction procedures are well established, and your orthodontist will be able to guide you to the solution that works the best for you.