Dairy farming is Utah’s leading agricultural sector, accounting for 22.5 percent of the cash receipts in 2019. Cattle farming closely followed it at 19.4 percent, with hay coming third at 15.4 percent. These sectors make agriculture Utah’s economic backbone.

At the heart of these agricultural activities lie storage facilities like steel barns. Farmers in Utah use steel barns extensively for storage and other purposes. Despite their significance in boosting agricultural activities, some farmers neglect these storage installations. Unfortunately, continued negligence of steel barns maintenance can cause problems in the long run. Here are several maintenance and care tips for your steel barn to make it last and serve you better. 


  • Start from the Outside 


The Beehive State ranks 35th among 50 states with the harshest winter conditions. The Alfalfa hay is Utah’s largest crop that requires proper storage, especially during winter. Besides hay, Utah residents also keep sheep. The state is ranked fifth as the largest sheep-rearing state in America. 

Therefore, proper steel barn maintenance should start from the outside. Start by removing any object attached to the barn house exterior. More often, tools, ladders, or roof panels lay around after assembling the steel barn. 

Unnecessary external weight may obscure the surface or strain the structure. Thus, it’s critical to put everything away when doing maintenance. Remove the metal shavings that remain after drilling holes in the roof. Shavings have a raw surface area that causes rust on the roof. 


  • Trim the Hedges


Any unnecessary contact with the steel metal structure is destructive. Trim bushes or hedges that crop around the building and push against the barn house. Bushes and hedges trap water and prevent fresh air from entering the building, causing mold and other fungi to spread. Hedges also undermine the steel structure due to exerting external pressure. They weaken the foundation and wall positioning. A foot and a half away from the perimeter wall will do.


  • Remove Snow


In Utah steel barns are also affected by snowfall during winter. The weight that snow exerts on the roof of the steel structure is great and damaging. Don’t forget to check the structure’s maximum allowable snow roof amount as you do your maintenance. Why? Because snow interferes with normal drainage when it starts sucking up rain.

Additionally, be cautious when removing snow. Always wear proper snow gear and know your surroundings lest you step on unstable parts of the roof. 


  • Check the Insulation


Ensure there is no damage, exposure, or moisture traces if you are working with an insulated building. Many factors may contribute to your walls’ cracking. Small animals and birds that dig up holes to build nests are some of them. Always check for these holes and remove them before damaging the structure further. 

There is a risk of water contamination from any insulation that is exposed to air. This paves the way for the moisture build-up and subsequently causes damage to the steel structure. Steel barns need warmth throughout winter. It is advisable to look for an expert to install a nature-friendly heating system in your barns. This measure protects your investment throughout winter. 

With these few steel barn maintenance tips, you will avoid unnecessary expenses from neglect-caused damage. You will also increase your barns’ lifespan.