There are variations in search results when you go through search engines like Yahoo and Google. Some of them are paid results, whereas others are organic. Before selecting any of the best SEO agency, it’s necessary to know about simple terms like SEO, PPC, SEM, and many others.

People usually conflict with the terms of SEO and SEM. If you are also suffering from such confusion, this article is a perfect place to explore.

Google or any other search engine shows you the organic results at an initial stage as they mostly have answers to the questions. Hiring one of the best SEO agency can increase the chances of your business’ growth. You can select PPC and SEO or use both of them together with a search engine marketing strategy. Before you get more confused about what we are talking about, read continuously to know more.

Basic of SEO

SEO – who doesn’t know the term!!! Almost all of us are aware of SEO these days. SEO, with all the strategies, optimize your website to appear in search results. It is essential to have better SEO strategies because, the more chances you have to take up your business on the search engine battle, the better it could be for your business. SEO even helps you get enough traffic as your audience comes toward your page through different combination of keywords and because of the website user-friendly features.

You may get amazed by reading that around 52.4% of the population makes a search each day. The ratio could be higher than this but not below.

SEO attracts organic traffic, as Google or any other search engines are continuously crawling your website and ensuring that you follow Google’s updated algorithm and use trending contents and keywords. When search engine come to know that you are updating the content regularly and it has quality & highly engaging content, it starts favouring you over any other website with similar services or products.

Basic of SEM

SEO and SEM both come under digital marketing strategies that hold other aspects like email marketing and text. SEM comes up with different types of marketing techniques that will help you get more visitors and making your ranking game strong. However, it does not rely on organic traffic only. In fact, SEM is all about getting traffic and conversions using SEO and PPC both strategies.

SEM usually helps you make a budget for how much you would prefer to spend on advertisement. If you come to know that PPC is enough for gaining traffic and conversions, it’s necessary to limit other areas where you were not getting enough ROI, like email marketing campaigns.

What would you choose? SEO or SEM

No one can deny the fact, SEO arrives from SEM. And, SEO is considered a way to generate traffic to your website. SEO has even more opportunities to generate traffic compare to PPC, whether we talk about phone or desktop. Once you reach the top of search results, you need to keep on watching the website and keep on updating the content. When we talk about SEO, your website will stay on the top-most results. Same way, if you are looking for quick results because you want to start a company on an urgent basis, it is possible to choose PPC or SEM strategy that works for your growth.

Turning up,  

Select the best SEO Company in Ahmedabad today and take up your business in between the competitive market.