Whenever we see a body builder with those bulky muscles and six pack abs, we always wonder how they got these amazing bodies. They definitely follow a strict exercise routine and diet. However, there is one more factor involved. While some have achieved these bodies through sheer hard work some can attribute their ever-expanding muscles to the use of anabolic steroid. 

The anabolic steroids have although received a bad reputation because of the harm they can cause when misused. This is the reason it is illegal to buy and sell a steroid without prescription. However, not all steroids are illegal and can be safely taken to enhance your results, if taken with correct dosage. 

Dianabol.fit is one place where you can legally purchase your doses of steroids online. They are genuine suppliers and have coordination with many big pharmaceuticals. You can easily supplement your body building regimen with products from Dianabol Fit. Their products do not require prescription. However, you must consult your physician if you suffer from any ailments. 

What is all this fuss about anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances derived to mimic testosterone, which is the male sex hormone. They are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids. They enhance the natural testosterone levels of human body. 

Testosterone is responsible for:

  • Hair growth
  • Muscle growth
  • Maintenance of sexual health in both males and females
  • Maintenance of bone density

This is why anabolic steroids are consumed by those looking for a more athletic stature and are commonly known as performance enhancing drugs. 

Uses of anabolic steroids

When used under medical supervision and in right dosage, steroids can prove to be beneficial for:

  • Gaining muscle weight
  • Reducing body fat percentage
  • Improving overall strength
  • Increasing sports related endurance
  • Increasing production of red blood cells

Steroids are available in the form of pills or injections. 

What bad effects you can face while using anabolic steroids?

In well monitored dosages, steroids are quite safe to use. However, many people stack 2 or 3 steroids together and use them at higher dosage than recommended. That’s what makes them harmful and can produce side effects such as:

  • Makes you aggressive
  • Damages the liver
  • Gynecomastia in males
  • Shrunken testicles
  • Hypogonadism after long term steroid use
  • Male-pattern hair loss
  • Increased facial hair in females
  • Irregular menstrual cycle and infertility
  • Larger clitoris
  • Acne
  • Smaller breasts in females
  • Increases risk of liver cancer and heart attacks
  • Stunted growth if steroids are abused before puberty
  • Weakened immune system
  • Risk of transmission of life-threatening diseases, when using non-sterile needles. 

People misuse steroids by taking them for recreation purpose or taking them in high concentrations. Stacking, switching steroids to prevent them from achieving a plateau in their effectiveness, cycling and pyramiding the steroid doses are some of the ways that can cause more harm than benefits. 

Moderation is the key to use of steroids effectively. Always follow the advice of a medical practitioner. Never misuse or self-medicate with high doses. Stacking can prove to be really dangerous. Eat healthy, exercise regularly and stay fit.