There are many reasons for which people send food through the mail. Companies that specialize in frozen meals and online grocery chains frequently ship their wares to customers via USPS and UPS. Of course, not every food shipment is for commercial purposes. In many instances, people simply wish to share tasty baked goods or fresh-grown produce with friends and family members. Whether you’re sending food as a gift or for transactional purposes, there are number of measures you should take to ensure its safe arrival.

Use the Right Shipping Containers

When selecting an appropriate container for your next food shipment, you’ll need to think in terms of freshness. Tightly-sealed foam containers and insulated cartons can effectively protect both frozen meals and fresh foods. If the items you’re shipping must maintain a consistent temperature, miniature coolers and/or or cold packs may be just what the doctor ordered. Items that are weak against extreme temperatures may benefit from the use of insulated shipping containers or insulation pouches. These tools can prevent warm air from finding its way into the packaging and cool air from escaping.   Furthermore, if you want to confirm that a package wasn’t exposed to extreme temperatures while in transit, consider incorporating temperature loggers or indicators into your packaging. The cutting-edge temperature loggers and tilt indicators from can be a boon to anyone who regularly ships delicate items. 

Pay Special Attention to Cooling

In working to ensure that food stays fresh throughout its journey, you can’t afford to put insulation on the backburner. Insulation is vitally important when shipping meats, dairy products, seafood and produce, as these foods are highly susceptible to rot. Some companies use dry ice, although this can be dangerous if not handled with the proper care and equipment. Furthermore, it must be given room to expand and never be allowed to touch food directly. In many cases, the aforementioned cold packs make a great alternative to dry ice. They’re particularly effective when packed in layers – with the food at the center of the shipping container and the cold packs providing insulation on all sides.

Opt for Speedy Delivery Options

It’s only natural to want a package to arrive at its destination as quickly as possible. This provides the sender with peace of mind and ensures the satisfaction of the recipient. However, when shipping food, speedy delivery options are not only mutually beneficial – they’re often necessary. Given the perishable nature of many foods, it’s in everyone’s best interest that they reach their destination in a timely manner. That being the case, you’d be wise to limit yourself to speedy delivery options when shipping food. While it may cost a little more, this will dramatically increase the likelihood of your package’s contents arriving at their destination in peak condition.

Although many of us seldom associate receiving food with receiving mail, it’s a surprisingly common item in many delivery trucks. When shipping food, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the various safety measures surrounding this practice. Failure to do so may result in the contents of your next package arriving at their destination completely inedible. Fortunately, responsibly shipping food is far from an arduous undertaking. Putting the previously discussed tips to good use can help ensure that your next food shipment remains in prime condition throughout its journey.