The older we get, the more careful we have to be about our bodies and our health.

We can’t jump off stoops or dance for hours on end as we used to when we were younger. We pay more attention to the foods we eat and how they affect our bodies and health.

However, if you struggle with chronic injuries and pain, your overall quality of life decreases. You may turn to over-the-counter or prescribed painkillers to help mitigate the discomfort, but over time, you build a tolerance to them as well.

Instead, you can use alternative pain relief hacks to ease your agony. Keep reading to learn five alternative pain relief techniques to help you live a pain-free life.

  1. Heat or Ice Therapy

Bad sprains are usually treated with the RICE method. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This method helps to reduce swelling, allows your body the time to heal, and provides support to the injured area.

Heat therapy is useful for stiff joints and tense muscles. Heat allows your body to relax and release some of the pain your body is holding onto.

  1. Acupuncture

One of the oldest Chinese remedies for pain is acupuncture. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into the body to re-balance energy so that it flows through your body with ease, and relieves the discomfort in your body.

Some say it’s pseudoscience but, it may be a worthy avenue to explore if you are looking for alternative pain relief methods.

  1. Topical CBD Balms

A recent study on the effects of CBD on canine dogs suffering from osteoarthritis pain found that “CBD significantly decreased pain and increased [their] mobility.” CBD has proven helpful for dogs with chronic pain; it is possible that humans may benefit from it as well.

An easy way to use CBD is to use topical CBD balms and apply the product to the pain site. These balms are cooling and infused with hemp so that it is easily absorbed into the skin. Check out more at GVB Biopharma.

  1. Yoga

There’s no easier natural pain relief hack than moving your body. Staying active not only helps with mental health but also keeps your body well-oiled and strong to maintain balance and avoid injuries.

Yoga is a beginner-friendly physical activity that tends to your mental health as well as your physical. Start today with only five minutes of yoga and see if it helps you in managing body pain.

  1. Vitamins and Supplements

Supplements such as collagen may provide chronic pain relief for joint pain.

A 2019 study found that oral supplementation of collagen with structured recovery plans akin to physical therapy proved effective in accelerating the length of recovery for patients with joint pain.

Managing pain could be as easy as introducing supplements like collagen into your recovery plan.

Alternative Pain Relief Is Available

You don’t have to completely ditch your trusted painkillers for pain relief but at the very least, make that your last resort. Try these alternative pain relief remedies first and see if they won’t do the trick.

You might not believe it but a pain-free life is possible. You can find more alternative health and wellbeing content like this on our blog. Be sure to check it out!