Marriage undergoes three phases: the honeymoon phase, disillusionment, and resolution phase. The honeymoon phase we know all too well is that of romance and infatuation.

This transitions to the disillusionment stage, characterized by a reality check. It turns out marriage isn’t all sunshine. There are bills to pay, kids to raise, a mortgage to pay off.

Do you feel like your relationship might be on the rocks? Here are some signs of a failed marriage.

  1. Anger

Annoyance is typical as your relationship ages. However, if you notice that you and your partner are always at each other’s throats, it might be a sign to let go.

Giving and receiving constant anger can cause a strain in your relationship. Somehow you no longer hold the same softness and patience as you used to.

The respect you once had for each has eroded, and love cannot live without respect. If anger dominates your interactions, address this before it escalates.

  1. Avoidance

Your marriage is going through the wringer when you start to dread being with them. If you find that you no longer enjoy their company, it may be because they aren’t the source of peace they used to be.

To test this out, try hanging out with your peers without your partner. If you find that you are happier and more carefree, this could mean that you are losing yourself in the marriage.

  1. Fragmented Communication

Fragmented communication is when you can’t talk to your partner. It comes in two forms, quiet and loud. The silent form is when you or your partner avoid talking to avoid conflict.

You might find yourself walking on eggshells or holding your tongue to keep the peace. Loud fragmented communication is when the speaking component of talking is fully functional. However, the listening component of the conversation isn’t present.

Communication is a pillar in how to save a marriage. There are times when communication is so impaired that you may need a divorce mediator.

  1. Abuse

Any form of abuse is grounds to dissolve the marriage. It doesn’t have to be severe. It would be best if you left before it gets escalates.

Some forms of abuse are invisible but leave lasting damage. At times, you might be too close to the situation even to realize it is abuse.

Abuse covers a broad spectrum, and your relationship dynamic can complicate matters. No one should be in an abusive marriage. If you were looking for signs and wondering, “When should I get a divorce?” this is the nail in the coffin.

  1. You Have Grown Apart

Contrary to belief, an explosive and intense event doesn’t have to precede a divorce. Do you look at your partner and don’t recognize them anymore? You may even feel like you two are on different paths.

After a while, you find that you and your partner incompatible people. Instead of growing together, you grew apart. There may be an emotional disconnect that you can no longer bridge.

Are You Experiencing These Signs of a Failed Marriage?

Here are some signs of a failed marriage. Accepting that your marriage is not what it once was is a hard pill to swallow. There is no shame in leaving a failed marriage, and the sooner you do, the sooner you can be happy.

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