Invisalign braces have revolutionized the world of orthodontics. They are clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth without the discomfort and noticeable appearance of traditional metal braces. However, for you to achieve the best results from your Invisalign in Cary, NC, there are some important things that you should avoid doing.

Here are some of them.

  1. Don’t Neglect Cleaning

One of the biggest mistakes that people make with their Invisalign braces is not cleaning them properly. In fact, it’s essential to clean your aligners every day to prevent bacteria buildup, which can lead to bad breath and tooth decay. You should also rinse your aligners under lukewarm water, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean them, and always ensure they’re dry before putting them back in your mouth.

  1. Don’t Eat or Drink with Them On

Invisalign braces are not designed to be worn while eating or drinking anything other than water. In fact, consuming food or beverages (other than water) with your aligners in can stain them or cause them to become warped. Therefore, always remove your aligners before meals and remember to clean both your teeth and aligners before reinserting them.

  1. Don’t Leave Your Aligners Out for Too Long

Invisalign braces only work when you wear them. The recommended wear time is 20 to 22 hours per day. Remember, leaving your aligners out for extended periods can delay your treatment progress. So, make it a habit to immediately put your aligners back in after eating or brushing.

  1. Don’t Skip Your Appointments

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are crucial to monitor your progress and make adjustments, if necessary. In fact, missing your dentist appointments can result in prolonged treatment time and less effective results.

  1. Don’t Use Toothpaste or Colored Soaps to Clean Your Aligners

Toothpaste and colored soaps can discolor your aligners, making them more noticeable. Instead, use clear, antibacterial soap or Invisalign cleaning crystals to keep your aligners clear and clean.

  1. Don’t Ignore Damaged Aligners

If you notice any cracks or damages on your aligners, don’t ignore them. Remember, damaged aligners may not effectively move your teeth to their desired positions. So, you should contact your orthodontist immediately if you notice any damage.

  1. Don’t Rush Your Treatment

Invisalign treatment is not a race. It takes time for your teeth to gradually move into their correct positions. So, changing aligners too quickly can cause unnecessary discomfort and may not give the desired results. Moreover, always follow your orthodontist’s instructions regarding when to switch to a new set of aligners.