By 2030, fatal and nonfatal car crash injuries will cost the global economy close to $1.8 trillion. Closer home, the United States records 16,438 car crash cases every day. As the number of vehicles on American roads increases steadily, these accidents will continue to be a common concern.

None of the drivers who fall victim to car crashes ever anticipate such occurrences. Most accidents happen in a split second. As a driver, there are specific steps you should take when such accidents happen.

In case you are involved in a car accident in Houston, mental and emotional trauma can affect your ability to think straight. However, the following steps can help you make the best decisions as you deal with the aftermaths of an accident.

What should you do in case of a car accident in Texas? Here’s a step-by-step guide.

Stop and Check for Injuries 

A freak accident can cause trauma and confusion. In case this happens, you should stop and first check if you sustained injuries. Whether you’re alone or with passengers, check around to ensure that everyone is safe.

In case of injuries, call 911 for immediate help. Most times, the response team will ask for the exact location, the extent of injuries, and other hazards at the accident scene.

Call the Police 

In case of a car accident in Houston, the police should be among the first people to call.

Officers in the greater Texas jurisdiction have vast experience in handling accidents, investigating, and preparing reports. You might need to call in the local police or the Department of Public Safety, depending on the accident’s actual scene. In case of overlapping jurisdictions, any agency can help you deal with the case.

The officers will offer traffic citations and collect any evidence, which may support the case. You can then purchase a copy of the police’s crash report to help you when you finally meet your car accident attorney.

Gather Information About the Accident

While waiting for the law enforcement agencies, you can use that chance to gather more information regarding the accident. Critical information such as the vehicle registration, the driver’s name, and insurance information can go a long way when dealing with Houston car accident cases.

Further, you can use this chance to take pics of the accidents. In case you notice on-lookers, consider a few eyewitnesses who can offer an accurate account of the events. Such information goes a long way in determining fault in an accident.

In case of a car accident in Houston, you should gather as much information as possible at the accident scene. This will go a long way in determining the case.

Contact Your Attorney 

In case you already have a Houston car accident lawyer, this should be the best time to inform them about the accident. It’s important to have your attorney present when the officers arrive at the scene.

Your car accident attorney will help you piece together all the useful evidence to win the case. The lawyer can also help you out with matters such as the car’s positioning and the legal interpretation of Houston’s laws.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

Every insurance policy has a Notice of Occurrence and Cooperation clause. The clause stipulates that the insured must notify the insurance company immediately an accident occurs. You also have the responsibility to disclose any helpful information regarding the accident to the company.

Even when the accident was not your fault, your insurance provider still needs your side of the story. The disclosure is critical in case the other party tries to shift the blame to you. You also need to inform the insurance company even if no one is injured in the accident.

The agents will then come and collect additional information about the accident. Such details will come in handy when meeting with your car crash attorney.

Contact the Other Driver’s Insurance Company 

Once you notify your insurance company, they will pick up the process of compensation from there. However, this is only possible if you are the one at fault. In case you aren’t the one at fault, you need to call the at-fault driver’s insurance provider.

When you call the other driver’s insurance company, you’ll be making a formal complaint about the accident. You should then get a claim number from the other driver’s insurance provider. This will make the process of following up on your claim easy.

Filing a Lawsuit Against the At-Fault Driver 

When you are involved in a car accident in Houston, establishing the extent of culpability is often the first concern. In case the other driver was the one at fault, you have a right to compensation. A car accident lawyer’s advice may be required in such cases.

Filing a lawsuit is the last resort if the other driver’s insurance company is unwilling to cooperate. This attorney in Houston will help you throughout the claim application process and ensure you get a fair appeal.

You Now Know What to Do After a Car Accident in Houston

Accidents are often an inevitable occurrence on the roads. While these incidences come with a share of emotional trauma and distress, you need to take certain deliberate steps to ensure that you get timely and fair compensation for the injuries and losses caused.

If you get involved in a car accident in Houston, please take these seven steps. Your swift actions will ensure that you receive compensation for the accident to help you get back on your feet.

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