Traveling is an exciting adventure but traveling by air is something out of this world. Traveling by airplane is not only enjoyable, but it also offers you much flexibility and freedom that you deserve. However, you need to ensure that you are a good passenger and you respect those around you in the plane.

You need to observe certain unwritten rules from the moment you step into the airport. For instance, you should avoid littering the runway since the airport management spends a lot of money acquiring the necessary equipment such as a runway FOD sweeper to keep the runway clean. Here are some of the airplane etiquette rules that you should never ignore.

Never Ask If You Can Skip Someone in the Security Check Line

It amazing how much the overall airport experience will be if you are going to be patient and wait for your time to be served. It’s not strange to see some passengers running up to the security agents, sweating and begging to cut the line. Why should you put yourself in such an awkward situation? Do you think anyone at the airport is going to allow you to cut the queue and everyone is in a hurry? To avoid such things from happening, make sure that you arrive at the airport on time.

Observe All the Airport Rules

If there is a sign somewhere showing that you shouldn’t use that pathway, don’t use it. If you are enjoying snacks as you wait for your flight, make sure that you dispose off the leftovers in the right place. Don’t litter the runway or any other part of the airport. Remember the fact that someone somewhere spent a lot of time maintaining the cleanliness using a runway FOD sweeper and it’s so immature to throw litter everywhere. If you can reach the designated dustbins, keep your trash in your handbag.

There Is No Salon on the Plane

For all the ladies who travel by air, it’s good to know that there is no salon on the plane and please don’t start one. A plane isn’t a place where you do your manicure and pedicure. Don’t start clipping your toenails and massaging your body parts. Those fumes are noxious, and no one wants to spend their entire flight time smelling them. You should also avoid using your hairspray or perfumes while on board. If you need to fix your hair, feel free to do so in the bathroom.

Be Friendly and Talk to Your Neighbors

Keep in mind that you’ll be seated next to these individuals for hours and some interaction will make your flight more interesting. If you are not in the mood of talking, plug in your earphones to send the social signal that you need some quiet time. You don’t have to listen to anything, but you will have sent your message.