
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly infectious disease which was first discovered in 2019. The disease can cause severe lung infections with increasing mortality rate. In this article, we will explore in detail on the coronavirus that has rapidly spread across the world.

What causes COVID-19?

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is the same family of viruses responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

The new type of coronavirus was first discovered in samples taken from patients with lung infection (pneumonia) of unknown cause in Wuhan, China. Scientists believe that the virus originated in bats or pangolins.

The virus spreads rapidly around the world at an alarming rate, and is declared as an ongoing pandemic. A pandemic is defined as a worldwide spread of COVID-19, affecting a large number of humans across international boundaries.

How is COVID-19 transmitted?

COVID-19 spreads from an infected patient to another person via close contact. The primary route of transmission of this disease is through exposure to air droplets carrying the infectious virus. Whenever an infected person breathes out, speaks, coughs or sneezes, the person within 6 feet (2 meter) from the infected might inhale the air droplets containing the virus and be infected.

One can also contract COVID-19 by touching surfaces contaminated by the droplets from sneezes or coughs with the virus on the surface. The virus then enters the human body when one subsequently touches their mouth or eyes.


Symptoms experienced by infected patients range from mild symptoms to severe illnesses.

Some patients with COVID-19 can be asymptomatic (not developing symptoms) while being infectious.

The common symptoms experienced include high fever, fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath and loss of taste or smell. Infected patients usually develop the symptoms after 2-14 days upon exposure to the virus.

In certain populations, the infection of COVID-19 can lead to severe complications such as lung infection (pneumonia), lung injury, cardiac injury, kidney injury and multiorgan failure.


Specific tests are required in order to diagnose COVID-19. Nose swabs, blood tests, imaging such as Chest X-ray or Computed Tomography Scan (CT-Scan) are among the tests to diagnose and evaluate the severity of COVID-19.

Preventive measures

Listed below are the effective ways in preventing the infection and spread of COVID-19:

·        Wear a face mask whenever in public

·        Wash hands with soaps and water or at least 60% alcohol sanitiser before and after touching a surface

·        Maintain a social distance of 2 meter (6 feet) apart from others

·        Cover the mouth and nose whenever sneezing or coughing

·        Avoid touching the nose, mouth and eyes before washing hands


There is ongoing research to produce effective medications that are able to treat COVID-19. Medications to treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) had been used in treating patients who experience severe cases of COVID-19.

With the national COVID-19 immunisation programme officially launched on 26th February 2021 in Malaysia, the primary target is for most of the population to be vaccinated to decrease the number of cases.


The outbreak of coronavirus had led to the COVID-19, which introduces a new societal norm of wearing face masks in public to prevent further spreading. The common symptoms of this disease are high fever, cough, shortness of breath and loss of sense of smell and taste. The public are encouraged to take preventive measures at all times to minimise the spread of COVID-19.