For most people bodybuilders, the second-biggest challenge is finding the right diet. Getting the diet right is important before and post-workout. While some bodybuilders have carbohydrate-packed meals like scalloped potatoes only on their cheat days, many others may prefer other diets. Yet, it seems only a small number of people know that potatoes are an excellent choice for post-workout meals when muscle-building is the goal.

To understand why nutrition is a crucial factor for bodybuilding, especially for muscle gain, it is important to understand the key components of muscle growth.

The muscles are bundles made of proteins. However, the muscles store glycogen, a form of carbohydrate. This glycogen is used when glucose –the primary fuel source- is used up. The muscles themselves get bigger as they are exercised regularly. The two key components here are:

  1. Keeping the muscles in healthy conditions; and
  2. Replacing the glycogen without increasing fat.

This is why nutrition is important.

The right diet for post-workout muscle gain is one that replenishes the nutrients lost during a workout, and yet does not increase the carbohydrate or fat levels of the body. This is why most diets contain more proteins to help the muscles grow, and fewer fats and carbs to limit their respective levels.

Eating scalloped potatoes or other potato-based diets is a great choice for several reasons. Some of these are:

  1. Potatoes contain important electrolytes (minerals): Since the body loses electrolytes via sweat, they must be replaced. You can get calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron from potatoes. The first two aid nervous coordination, phosphorus is important for transporting energy to your muscle cells, while iron aids the delivery of oxygen to muscles.
  2. Get the calories without the fat: Most potato meals contain fewer calories than other types of food. This is because the potato itself has fewer calories and fat content than most other carbohydrate foods. For example, eating scalloped potatoes after a workout provides the carbohydrate energy for other activities, and yet there is a lower risk of taking more calories than you need.
  3. Potatoes are protein sparing: The body uses carbohydrates as its primary fuel source and will only use up proteins when fats are also depleted. To build muscle, the body protein levels must be kept at an optimum level. This is how potatoes as a carbohydrate can protect your muscles from reducing in size as you build them.